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Article: Gio Pistone

Gio Pistone

Gio Pistone

Gio Pistone began painting murals as a child, inspired by fantastical creatures from her nightmares. After working in theatre set design and travelling with a group of game designers, she transitioned to street art in 1998. Her work has been featured in magazines, exhibitions, and street art festivals worldwide.

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Why did you want to become an artist? 

Even though I was born to young parents in an artistic environment (my father is an artist) I never thought of being an artist in life. I studied classics and psychology at university. But since I was 2 years old my life has always been told by my drawings: adventures, travel, emotions, dreams. All on sheets of paper or notebooks.

Then I worked for the theatre, then for show planning and at a certain point without wanting to I found myself being Gio Pistone. It was a natural evolution of things. It's strange but that's how it happened.

2. As a street artist, your art is available to audiences around the world. Is this to make it more accessible, or are there different reasons behind it? 

Different. I started at 14 when I had no interest in visibility and I didn't even want to be an artist. The desire was to create mystery around our actions and communicate secretly between us in the crew. Write secret messages in the streets of your city that only those who know what it is can read. All this had a very powerful charge, but not that of being known by people.

3. Your artwork originated from characters you met in your nightmares, are they still based on that now? If not, where do you get your ideas from? 

Sometimes still yes but only if I have absurd dreams with incredible characters. But now I get my ideas from studying, reading and the emotions I feel in real life.

4. If you could collaborate with any artist, alive or dead, who would it be and why? 

Munari. I would love to just talk to him and then create something incredible together like all of his art. Why Munari? Because for me he is the most brilliant artist I know and who works on everything 360 degrees in an intelligent and evocative way.

5. What message would you give aspiring artists?

Guys, make Art if it only brings you joy. There is no other reason.

Don't try to do it just for the celebrity because it doesn't work!

Try to follow your own path and find a way of saying things that is yours and no one else's. Be inspired but don't copy, never.

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